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Don’t Panic!
How to Navigate the Shidduch Maze: 20 week interactive zoom webinar
Weekly group sessions for 20 weeks (women only)
Option of pre-recorded sessions for men & women
Currently, in the middle of a course right now - can start another course at any time if you have a group of friends that is interested
Price: $275 for the live 20 week zoom course, bring a friend and get $50 off for each of you
If you're interested in the pre-recorded sessions, contact me,
as I have various packages that I offer; all sessions are recorded - so if you can't join it live, you can listen to it at any time at your convenience
29 days to decide that the course is for you or not - no questions asked - money back guarantee
Each approximate 1 hour session (can be longer depending on questions and group participation) will be interactive, providing opportunity to ask questions, give feedback, and participate in various growth-oriented exercises.
The course includes:
* The importance of ratzon; understanding what ratzon is and learning how to increase one's ratzon; how to identify and remove obstacles impeding one's ability to really want to get married
* How to identify one's limiting beliefs, one's fears and how to rid oneself of those limiting beliefs and fears
* Looking at relationship patterns, relationship tendencies, and the various kinds of relationships in your life - friends, intimates, and acquaintances - paying attention to what kinds of relationships you like and don't like
* Developing simcha (happiness) and hakaras Hatov (gratitude) and why they're so important
* Accessing your deepest, vision, values, & goals
* Knowing your kochos (and why that's important)
* Gaining clarity about what you personally are looking for - accessing what you need from a deep inner, intuitive place. Creating an "elevator pitch" that you can tell shadchanim and others what you are looking for
* Tefillah - gaining deeper understanding of its importance and power; how to daven with kavannah (full intention); how to keep davening even when you've davened so much already
* Bitachon - what does it mean to have bitachon (faith)? How does it work and what does it mean when it comes to shidduchim?
* Taking Action - how to "do hishtadlus" (take action), how much, when, and how to make the process enjoyable
* How to call references, what questions to ask (and not ask); how to find out information about people
* Dating GPS - how to get dates to progress and what to talk about at each stage of dating; when to continue and when to stop
* Relationships - what men want and what women want, understanding gender differences, understanding your own relationship preferences, how to deepen a relationship, how to talk about difficult issues so you both feel heard and cared for
* Red Flags - what are red flags and how to recognize them; learning what's a red flag and dangerous, and what's just an issue and not dangerous (that can be worked out)
* Bas Kol - how to gain clarity, to know when it's just not right and to know when you've met Mr./Ms. Right